By all the Power of Three Times Three…

By all the Power of Three times Three...




We founded our Circle at Imbolac, 1997.
We are a group of Witches of the Olde Wayes who work and play together.
We meet to honor the Tides of the Moon and the Seasons of the Sun,
And any other occasion which might require a celebration of some sort.
We each contribute something unique of ourself to the Circle.

Together we are much stronger than the sum of our parts.

Together we learn how to love and trust each other, an ongoing process.

Together we are whole.  Together we are strong.  Together we are one.
We are a Circle within a Circle, with no beginning, and never ending.
We part as we met and we pass beyond,
As love is the law, and love is the bond.
Blessings be upon you.
There will be Handfasting Photos here as soon as somebody sends them.


